Friday 27 April 2018

Website Research

This is the website for the GQ magazine and like the magazine, It has used a typically used a photo of a man who usually quite famous. The camerawork that is used on the front page of the website has made the camera look like a close up show with david beckham on the right hand corner and the photographer has attempted to make the image look almost like a selfie. The representations that are presented in this photograph is that it shows a group of males usually in a pub and some sort of night venue which is the typical english tradition for most males that would have a night out. This tries to apply to young professionals who would have lots of money but they havent started a family yet. The audience is attracted to this because it shows a sense of coming together and it makes the reader who are typically male feel like they want to join in with the conversation and the latest trends. This works with the industry to try to sell the magazine because the magazine has more high profiles designs and styles in it in order to try to get the website readers to subscribe to the magazine.

This is the website for Grazia magazine which normally has a middle class female readership. On the front of the website they have used a photo of a lady showing off the latest skirts to own this spring. The photography that is used in this photo is that it has used quite bright and natural colours. The background of the photo has used a depth effect with attempts to make the model stand out from the rest of the picture. The background of the photo is just a public road with trees and flowers. This photo gives the impression that she is better than everyone else. This gives the representation that she is middle class and appeals to the middle class women who are in to the latest trends and fashion. This attempts to give the typical stereotype to a fashionable lady. This audience is attracted because they want to know how to become as fashionable as her this attempts to give quite a upmarket feeling to them. This works with the magazine to present a preview of what will be on the magazine to get people to purchase the magazine.

This is the website for LOOK magazine which typically has more of a middle class viewership. The photography that is used in this photo is quite a high end and wealth background. And it is of the royal family which tries to give quite a wealthy feeling to the person that is reading the magazine for them. The image also uses a close up shot to give a feel of quality to the reader. The colours that are used in this photograph are quite dark colour which shows a sign of wealth to them. Because it is of the royal family the website is indicating that it is appealing to a higher class stereotype. This audience is attracted because of the universal attraction to the royal family and because they are excited to to see photos of the new prince. This makes the reader want to purchase the magazine because they want more photos of the upcoming prince

This is the website for Elle magazine which has typically has quite a focus on high class fashion. The photography that we see in the main image on the website is showing off quite high fashion clothing with quite a top class model. The model also has quite a short haircut which could show us that she is trying to break the stereotypes by not haveing the pritty girl effect which is trying to show us they she is more of a cutting edge model. We also see the style glasses which could show us that the vintage feel and make us feel that she starting her own trends. We see the model also have a leather jacket on, this could show us that she is trying to stand out from the croud and is trying to be different.The colours that are used in this photo are quite light colours and the image has quite a plain desert like background. This tries to give the impression of a higher class impression to the people that are reading the magazine. The works in conjunction with the magazine because it makes the reader feel that they want to purchase the magazine.

This is the website for vogue magazine which has a focus on high class fashion just like Elle. The photography that is used in the website quite artistic and uses quite a vintage feel to the person that is looking at the website. The colours that are used in the website is just mainly black and white in order to get the photos to stand out on the website, which gives us the feeling that the website is quite bare and empty and without the photos there is not much of a website and that it is trying to get the reader to purchase the magazine. The photos that are used to to appeal to a middle class woman because they would typically read longer articles and have more specialised interests in fashion. This works in conjunction with the magazine because they both have a focus on fashion, whereas the magazine has more of a focus on the different clothing ranges, the website has a more of a view on the history of fashion. From the photographs that are listed on the website we see that two of them are close up shots, one which is of a lady's face applying concealer which could give us the impression that Vogue is trying to appeal to the general womans lifestyle which could show that they want a piece of all audiences and another one which has a close up of a yellow vintage style crocs in order to give it some attention and to show the small little details in the background which is full of vintage items such as a Marilyn Monroe Prada bag which could give the impression that Vogue chooses to describe vintage items and has quite a vintage feeling to it. We also see two mid shots on the website, the auther of the website has chosen to use a photo wityh the model cropped out onto a photograph with two polorids behind her to give the idea that vintage is starting to come back into the market and makes the reader think of their days when they was younger. This is because the majority of Vogues readers are in the 45-60 age group. On the other picture the writer has used a photograph with a man standing in front of lots of magazines which does give us the idea that he is doing this as a tribute in order to show us as the reader of the magazine that we should feel sorry about the wardour news. Also on the website we see the use of a sans font which gives quite a modern effect.

Photo Analysis

This image uses the rule of negative space because of the use of the depth of field effect that 
surrounds the photo in order to create a open effect which is the use of space. This show is also 
a low angle shot which gives the impression that everything is massive. And open space is used to 
create a open effect in the photography. It also gives us the impression that it is quite open plan. 
This image has used quite neutral colours in order to give more of a brighter feeling for them. 
This photo has also used quite a large aperture in order to give more focus to the closer objects, 
This gives more detail to the closer objects but gives less focus to the objects that are more further 
away from them. This makes it feel like the focus of the objects is on the tiles and not on the building 
that are behind them.

The perspective of these shots gives the impression to the reader that the that it is just a lonely shed 
just sitting there like in a forest. This would give the impression of something quite mystical and it 
makes us want to wonder what is this house and we want to know why is it here. This could also give 
us the idea that the dark colours in these shots could give the the impression of a dark haunted forest 
and give us that something is about to happen in this picture. This photo has used quite a slow shutter 
speed which means that we had needed to hold the camera steady otherwise it would have been quite
shaky. This meant that the image has allowed itself to get more detail and become more detailed for
the picture compared to using a higher shutter speed which would be used for capturing higher motion
objects such as car racing.

This image gives the impression of surrealism because it tries to rule of thirds on place where it wants
 the reader to look and focus on certain areas such as the spoon. The perspective of this shot gives 
us the feeling that something unusual is happening. We mainly have dark colours in this photograph in
 order to bring out the bucket and the spoon in the photograph. This gives the impression that it is quite 
a unusual photograph and shows us that it is something different for them and it shows its something 
strange and different for them.

In this photo we see the sense of realism because we see quite dull colours that have been presented 
in this photograph. We also also see the rule of thirds that could be applied to this photograph where 
we see the tree branches that are crossing over in order to get the reader to look in certain areas of the
photograph in order to get the person to look at all parts of the photograph. This photograph is taken
from a low angle shot in order to give the small details such as the tree branches more of a larger focus
for them.

 This gives the sense of realism. The colours that are used in this photograph are quite bright and 
vibrant and gives them quite a natural feeling to them. In this photograph we see no wasted space in 
the photograph and all of the photo is filled up with the quite little details of the leaves for them. The 
perspective of this shot it quite a direct and close up shot which aims to give the person that is looking 
at the website. This gives quite a detailed close up for the person looking at the photograph.

Friday 20 April 2018

Genre Research

Genere Research

Different Genders

In my magazine i will need to create a magazine to will appeal to a specific type of fashion style and features. This could be from high end male and female fashion such as Vogue to sort of mid range magazines such as GQ which would appeal to more mainstream fashion by having sportswear brands such as Nike and Adidas which could try to appeal to more of a mainstream audience. There is also magazines such as Grazia which could appeal to female fashion of a mixed fashion sense. We also have magazines for people that would be looking for fashion on a budget such as Look magazine. This shows that there is a wide variety of magazines that cover different genders and types of magazines. This shows us that there is a change in the different types of magazines that are available for people to be able to purchase on the market. Because of this change in the market, there is a wide range of choice avaliable through a range of different distribution outlets.

Fashion Types

The different types of fashion magazines can vary greatly. This is shown through the different types of magazine available and the costs. For example there is Vogue magazine which caters to very high end female and male fashion is considered to be one of the best known magazines across the world and can be known as a household name in some countries. The Vogue magazine normally retails for about £5 which can be considered quite expensive for a magazine. There is also GQ  magazine which has some high end fashion like Vogue but might also include some male sportsware such as Nike and Adidas which tries to appeal to a greater audience that might allow them to appeal to more of a modern and hipster audience. This shows they are in more of the mainstream market and have a wider variety and audience. A edition of GQ normally retails for the price of £3.99 which tries to fit in to the middle of the market. Similarly you have the likes of Grazia magazine which just caters to just normal female fashion and tries to appeal to the majority of the general population. This magazine has more of a general feeling when it is compared to the others. There is also Look magazine which talks about female fashion but talks more in a budget sense and appeals to people who do not wish to spend a lot of money and want the best fashion items at a budget. Grazia and Look magazine are normally available at a cost of £2 which is lower than half the cost of Vogue magazine and is also cheaper than GQ magazine. This shows the great variations in the market and the different types of magazine that it can cater to. All of these magazines try to appeal to a different audience. This means that the widest audience of people will be able to see the differ

Magazine Genre Research

From my research im going to create a fashion magazine that would cater to a male audience. This means that the magazine would have a midrange feel to it in order to allow it to appeal to all different types of people and the different categories that would appeal to the different people and allow them to work better for them. This means that they would need to see what fashion lines that they would be adding in. I would make sure to only aim my magazine to quite a wealthy audience because to meet the brief that has been set. But I will mainly stick to male casual and smart casual in order to appeal to my 16-25 class AB audience which consists of a younger audience but are quite wealthy which could mean that they are in to just normal clothes and the current fashion trends. This means that they would want to typically spend more on their clothing for them but they would keep them a lot longer but they would have less of them. My magazine would have a least two models in order to met the criteria that has been set by OCR. 

Background of Fashion Genre

The fashion genre has been used in magazines for over 100 years. A good example of this is VOGUE which started in 1892 and has become one of the world's largest international fashion magazine. VOGUE has different publications in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Italy, Brazil, Germany, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia, Japan , Mexico, Greece, China, India, Turkey, Netherlands, Thailand, Ukraine, Arabia and Poland. These different publications of VOGUE had different editors and styles to them according to the country's local fashion trends and traditions to them. There has been a growth in fashion magazines over the last decades but this means in the growth in the different budget fashion magazines for them. The new fashion magazines such as grazia would focus on more normal fashion styles to appeal to everyone for them. This is try to cover to different tastes of fashion and to cover the different budgets that are available for them. Fashion magazines have also been a also helped to bring to advent of different styles to everyone. We have also seen the growth of GQ magazine which had started in New York City in 1957 and has become a international publication. GQ has been accused of metrosexualty by having a strong focus on men's grooming and appearance. The fashion genre has also been quite strong focused on the either male or female sector without having a magazine featuring both mixed models. This shows us that magazines have a varity of different genes that they can apply to.

Key Brands

The key brands of fashion magazines would be VOGUE with the high amount of international syndication and it being one of the oldest fashion magazine with roots that trace back to the 1800s. GQ is also a key fashion magazines that started in 1957. It focuses on mainly male fashion but sometimes has different female models in it but it has been accused of sexism because usually the male model would be fully clothed but not the female one. So the magazine has sometime been a bit biased and used for them. This means that the magazine has also been under some controversy because of this. Elle has also been a large international fashion magazine had originated in France and has focused on the different luxury female fashion that has been constantly evolving since the 1800s

Image result for vogue coverImage result for gq cover 
Image result for grazia cover

Research A Magazine & Website


GQ magazine is has a varity of different fashion styles and different models. From the magazine we have used a varity of different styles that are avaliable. On the actual magazine we see usually a male fashion model in a formal dress which tends to give the magazine quite a high class profileing for them. But on some editions they will have casual or sportswear clothing in the magazine in order to appeal to a wider audience for them and attract a larger fanbase for them.


On the GQ website we see a varity of news ranging from pop news to dome major sports news. This could be to show that GQ covers all areas of social aspects on their website and covers a wide varity of news stories on their websites and not only just on fashion. GQ also features some fashion stories on their website but mainly saves these for their magazine in order to try to get people to purchase the magazine and it helps to get the popularity of the magazine up for them. This means that the website would also act like a adverticement for the magazine or parts of it like a taster/sample for the magazine. This shows us that the magazine has some parts that are affilated to the website but usually they are not related to them at all for them. This shows that they were not able to find them was they important for them


GQ has some forms of billbored adverticements in order to intrest ttheir customers in order to purchase their magazine. The billbored adverticements usually say "if you arn't someone" then it has the GQ logo underneath and suggests that GQ gives style to men. This sort of advertising makes the person feel that there is something missing from them in order to succed. This suggests to the person that if they purchase a copy of GQ they will be able learn how to become as successful as that person. This gives the feeling of  the changes for them and the feeling that they are missing out on something big from this and that they almost need to follow the crowd from these decisions. This shows us that it is important


In conclusion, The GQ magazine uses a varity of materials in order to accomply its main attraction which would be the magazine, This would allow them to create one overall brand which would help to attract its audience. From research we know that GQ readers are mainly based in the south east, This is where the majority of its advertising would be compleated and it would be better done for them and allow them them to grow their readership for them. This shows that the design of GQ's marketing package is to enable people to beleive that they are missing something from their lives and are that they are unhappy with themselves. This gives the feeling that if they purchase GQ magazine they will be able to become more stylish and be able to become more fashionable in society for them.

Image result for gq

Prelim Task - Music Video

About Prelim Task

For our media studies work we had to produce a music video in order to get a feel of what creating the content would be like. I had chosen to do a music video with my classmates because that is what everyone had agreed on and because it is only a class of six people. For the music video task we has to recreate a small section of "What time is it" from high school musical and in our compleated task by having the proper video in a corner of our video. This is to compare how well we had done the video in comparison to the original video. For this task we had 4 hours of lesson time to film the music video. But we had left most of the editing to the last couple of lessons which had made it difficult to finish in the class time that we had left.

What We Did

Because everyone had chosen to do the music video. We all had to direct a small part of the music video and we each had our own little segments. When we had started to film the music video we had found that it was quite difficult to try to lipsync to the original video and some of the scenes were difficult to recreate due to space constraints and the limited amount of people that we going to do the music video and the limited number of people that were avaliable. This was a first time experience for the majority of us that would need to be used for them. This would help us when we would have the skills in order to create our own video and to be successful

What Went Well

Trying to organise everyone into their positions was one of the most difficult challenges in trying to film the music video and trying to make it accurately reproduced was one of the most difficult challenges that we had overcome. After we had filmed a coupole of different scenes we had eventually got better as we filmed each scene got better. We had all found our own individual parts and we all had tried to be all of the different characters that are in the "what time is it" music video such as Sharpie, Troy and Gabrella. Everyone all had to bring some different costumes in order so we could create the most accurate reprensentations for them and to make the music video the most realistic looking to the audience that would be watching the music video. Some of the costumes that everyone had brught were not the same as the music video but had made a best effort attempt at tring to make themselves look as same as the video.We also found that we needed to take quite a lot of shots in order to try to get the music video exactly how everyone had wanted it. This has shown us that most people are unable to complete it on one shot.

Filming & Editing

Trying to film the music video was one of the most difficult parts because we had to learn how to lipsync to to music and we also had to renember how each character in the origional music video acted inside of the music video. This meant that we needed to take a lot of shots for each of our parts of the music video that we are going to create from this and allow them to make a great video. The editing of the video was one of the most difficult parts of the prelim because we needed to learn the skills that are needed in order to edit the video on Adobe Premier Pro, From doing the prelim task I have learn't a lot of new skills that are required in order to edit such as the different buttons and features to see what they are able to do. The reason why i had chosen to make a magazine instead of a music video was that I thourght it had been quite difficult to make a music video and I would be unable to find enough people to make a music video.

In Conclusion...

Overall i think that everyone in the class had made a good effort in trying to reproduce the "what time is it" music video with the time, space and budget constraints which were present in creating the music video. Items such as the large clock in the music video were sourced from around the school and it means that the video has become more realistic fo to produce E.G the large clock tin the music video was actually a game show spinner.Overall I think the most difficult part of trying to reproduce the music video was having a go at it was the most difficult part of trying to make the video along with trying to lipsync in time with the music for the first time for the majority of us and was one of the most difficult parts of making a video and we all had found out that there needs to be a lot of cross corordination between all of the members that are going to be in the music video. I also beneleive that we need to use effective time management when we are producing our own products and that to leave sufficent time for editing this and allowing time for also learning how to use the software that is required such as Adobe Premier Pro and Photoshop which can be quite difficult if you have had no prior experience of usuing the software