Friday 20 April 2018

Genre Research

Genere Research

Different Genders

In my magazine i will need to create a magazine to will appeal to a specific type of fashion style and features. This could be from high end male and female fashion such as Vogue to sort of mid range magazines such as GQ which would appeal to more mainstream fashion by having sportswear brands such as Nike and Adidas which could try to appeal to more of a mainstream audience. There is also magazines such as Grazia which could appeal to female fashion of a mixed fashion sense. We also have magazines for people that would be looking for fashion on a budget such as Look magazine. This shows that there is a wide variety of magazines that cover different genders and types of magazines. This shows us that there is a change in the different types of magazines that are available for people to be able to purchase on the market. Because of this change in the market, there is a wide range of choice avaliable through a range of different distribution outlets.

Fashion Types

The different types of fashion magazines can vary greatly. This is shown through the different types of magazine available and the costs. For example there is Vogue magazine which caters to very high end female and male fashion is considered to be one of the best known magazines across the world and can be known as a household name in some countries. The Vogue magazine normally retails for about £5 which can be considered quite expensive for a magazine. There is also GQ  magazine which has some high end fashion like Vogue but might also include some male sportsware such as Nike and Adidas which tries to appeal to a greater audience that might allow them to appeal to more of a modern and hipster audience. This shows they are in more of the mainstream market and have a wider variety and audience. A edition of GQ normally retails for the price of £3.99 which tries to fit in to the middle of the market. Similarly you have the likes of Grazia magazine which just caters to just normal female fashion and tries to appeal to the majority of the general population. This magazine has more of a general feeling when it is compared to the others. There is also Look magazine which talks about female fashion but talks more in a budget sense and appeals to people who do not wish to spend a lot of money and want the best fashion items at a budget. Grazia and Look magazine are normally available at a cost of £2 which is lower than half the cost of Vogue magazine and is also cheaper than GQ magazine. This shows the great variations in the market and the different types of magazine that it can cater to. All of these magazines try to appeal to a different audience. This means that the widest audience of people will be able to see the differ

Magazine Genre Research

From my research im going to create a fashion magazine that would cater to a male audience. This means that the magazine would have a midrange feel to it in order to allow it to appeal to all different types of people and the different categories that would appeal to the different people and allow them to work better for them. This means that they would need to see what fashion lines that they would be adding in. I would make sure to only aim my magazine to quite a wealthy audience because to meet the brief that has been set. But I will mainly stick to male casual and smart casual in order to appeal to my 16-25 class AB audience which consists of a younger audience but are quite wealthy which could mean that they are in to just normal clothes and the current fashion trends. This means that they would want to typically spend more on their clothing for them but they would keep them a lot longer but they would have less of them. My magazine would have a least two models in order to met the criteria that has been set by OCR. 

Background of Fashion Genre

The fashion genre has been used in magazines for over 100 years. A good example of this is VOGUE which started in 1892 and has become one of the world's largest international fashion magazine. VOGUE has different publications in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Italy, Brazil, Germany, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia, Japan , Mexico, Greece, China, India, Turkey, Netherlands, Thailand, Ukraine, Arabia and Poland. These different publications of VOGUE had different editors and styles to them according to the country's local fashion trends and traditions to them. There has been a growth in fashion magazines over the last decades but this means in the growth in the different budget fashion magazines for them. The new fashion magazines such as grazia would focus on more normal fashion styles to appeal to everyone for them. This is try to cover to different tastes of fashion and to cover the different budgets that are available for them. Fashion magazines have also been a also helped to bring to advent of different styles to everyone. We have also seen the growth of GQ magazine which had started in New York City in 1957 and has become a international publication. GQ has been accused of metrosexualty by having a strong focus on men's grooming and appearance. The fashion genre has also been quite strong focused on the either male or female sector without having a magazine featuring both mixed models. This shows us that magazines have a varity of different genes that they can apply to.

Key Brands

The key brands of fashion magazines would be VOGUE with the high amount of international syndication and it being one of the oldest fashion magazine with roots that trace back to the 1800s. GQ is also a key fashion magazines that started in 1957. It focuses on mainly male fashion but sometimes has different female models in it but it has been accused of sexism because usually the male model would be fully clothed but not the female one. So the magazine has sometime been a bit biased and used for them. This means that the magazine has also been under some controversy because of this. Elle has also been a large international fashion magazine had originated in France and has focused on the different luxury female fashion that has been constantly evolving since the 1800s

Image result for vogue coverImage result for gq cover 
Image result for grazia cover

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