Tuesday 19 June 2018

Statement of Intent/New

Statement of Intent 
Brief Chosen
Magazine and online - The task of producing the front cover and one contents page for each of the first two editions of a new fashion magazine that is being launched by Bauer and the working website for the magazine.


For the magazines front/contents page. I will use media language to create a modern and sophisticated brand that will appeal to my class 16-25 AB demographic. This will include a modern day context and bring a class of high class fashion to the magazine which will appeal to my client Bauer media group. Because the 16-25 demographic uses the internet and social networks more than other people in different age brackers , so I will have a use of social media on the website with a use of Instagram and YouTube. To help the magazine become a best selling magazine, I will use a variety of light colours in summer pallet which will give a spring/summer feel to the magazine on both the front covers and the contents pages to give a new and upmarket look to the magazine. The main cover images that I’m using on my magazine will be placed in the centre of the front cover of my magazine featuring a male and female model gain a wide audience reach which is unusual for a fashion magazine, but the magazine will still have a luxury outstanding look to it. The representations that I will have in my magazine is the female model will have diifferent types of clothes and stands out from the crowd and the other smartly dressed male which gives the magazine a premium feel which is a long established look on male fashion magazines and has been designed to meet the brief that is set of a AB audience which is a more upmarket class and covers a more wealthy and upmarket audience. The cover lines that I will use on the front of the magazine will be related to fashion and beauty to give the message that the magazine is more consumer friendly and gives the appropriate message to the audience that I’m targeting my audience towards the intention that I’m trying to create with my magazine. The intention that I’m trying to create with my magazine which will convey the message of people empowerment from the magazine that I’m creating and I will make sure that I’ll cover the stereotype of that is people aren’t fashionable they aren’t beautiful. The layout of the magazine will be quite clean and simple model font model for the magazine while I'm still making sure that my magazine still has all the required items that are requested by OCR in order to achieve the highest possible grade for this piece of coursework. An example of a featured article in the magazine would focus on the top fashion trends of the year such as what are the latest lines in fashion which both Grazia and Now magazine both use as the main part of the magazine.


For the website of my magazine, I need to make sure that I use the codes of media language, which will include the title and the logo of my magazine, which will entise my audience of an AB demographic, which are a high class audience and have a high proportion of people with quite high paying jobs and . The website that I’m creating will have a variety of links that I would use in order to interest my target audience which is likely to have more of a upmarket nature to them, the website will also have a variety of connections to social media accounts in order to connect with the reader of the website in order to appeal to my younger audience which is more likely to be more familiar with the internet. This would give the opportunity to allow for the magazine to boost its social audience and boost its online presence. Instead of just relying as on the print format as a source of income for the magazine to become successful.

The other main objective for the website of the magazine is to provide the readers of the magazine ideas with the latest fashion trends that are new and upcoming. This could help to further interest the readers of the magazine and also bring people to purchase the magazine who wasn't previously seen the magazine or thinking of purchasing the magazine. I also hope with the website to have fashion reports that are likely to be changed quite quickly in order to try to keep up to date with them in order to have the latest social issues in society. For my website I will have articles debating what current celebrities are wearing and how does it med the current fashion model in today’s society. If my magazine was a real fashion magazine the news feed would keep constantly updating to be able to keep up with people’s interests and an ever constant flow of fashion news and updates for the people to be able to read.

I also have make sure that the photographs that I use on the website are visually engaging to the audience and they attract the audience to the website. The photos need to be visually stunning to sustain the audience to keep looking at the website to be interested. With the main image on my website, it will aim to be changed every so often in order to keep people constantly interested and impressed with them. This helps to bring the sense that the magazine is one of the first places that you would see fashion become different and changes for them. The design of the website would aim to have a sophisticated design in order to try to give a serious look to the website, in the website I will use a variety of colours mainly in a black and white colour scheme in order to give the serious look to the magazine. These colours that I’m using my magazine uses of black, white and grey would also give the magazine a vintage look because a pastel colour pallet combined with the use of greys and blacks would perceive the magazine as long-lasting and has been through the different eras of fashion which in relation to the brief that I have been set by OCR which states that it needs to appeal to AB audience which is quite a high class audience in comparison to other demographics such as such as catogory C workers which are working class and the catagory D/E workers which are lower class and are likely to consist of shop workers and unemployed people which would have different tastes and intrests depending on the the class and social group that person is located in. This cabn change and people in other social groups which would be able to have tastes from other media products which would otherwise be suited to a different target audience group. 

I will bring my magazine and website together will the use of high quality photography because it show to the people of the website that the agazine has the aim of a premium audience which i will need to target because of the requirement of the AB demographic which was requested by OCR. The website will be a extention of the magazine through different news in the fashion world in order to intrest the reader. I will also have a good use of photography on the website with the use of Long shots of nature and close up shots of the clothing in order to express different backgrounds and scenes through both of the media products. The unique selling point of the website will be the photography and the use of news stories that would appeal to the large readership of the magazine. This will be useful to the Bauer Media Group who would be publishing the magazine because they would be able to grow the use of their social media platforms and they would be able cross reference to other products that are published by the group in order to grow the platforms and accounts across the group in general. This would help other magazines that are published by Bauer to intrest people to the other media products that they offer towards the readers. This means

Thursday 7 June 2018

Full Plan of Website Audio Visual Content

Plan of Audio Visual Content on the Website

The audio visual content that I will have on my website is to be able to complement the magazine that I’m creating. This means that I will need to use a range of two original images on my website in order to meet the brief that has been set by OCR this means that I will need to use these photos in order to complement the magazine on it's website. I will also use a video of the editor talking about why she has started the magazine and the types of content that are going to be used in the website.

The video that I’m putting on my website is a video of what the editor has to say about the magazine and why did he start the magazine. The video will also talk about what the magazine is about and what made him/her chose to this kind of style to the magazine and what give the inspiration and content to the magazine, it will also talk about some of the ideas that he had first used when designing the magazine and the website. This would interest the reader to learn about the magazines history, why it is started and how the magazine found its interests and where

The photographs that I’m going to use in my website are photos that will hopefully attract the reader when they are looking at them. I will need to use high quality photographs of the clothing and the background that it is placed in order to give the feel to the reader that it is an expensive magazine with a premium feeling to them. The photographs of the clothing that I’m going to use will mainly be close ups and of the background will mainly be of bright, sunny, artistic locations which will hopefully make the reader think of a fashionable and premium look to the magazine, this means that I will need to keep the theme consistent throughout the magazine and the website.

The photographs that I’m going to use in conjunction with my text I will use them to become to enhance the contents page and to all the reader to want to read that page in the magazine. This is because it could encourage a potential customer of the magazine to purchase the magazine and encourage the use of social media to be used on the magazine in order to boost the social offerings of the magazine such as the Instagram and Facebook pages that would be used on the website. This means that the magazine I’m creating will need a well-developed brand in order to catch the public’s attention from the logo on the magazine to needing to create a developed social media account in order to catch peoples eye with the interesting use of photography to allow them to choose it and to allow them for a use of a wide variety of technology’s in order to grab and grasp the reader attention and try to catch potential customers who have seen the magazine through the use of social media because it would be able to catch potential customers if they like the look of what they have seen for them and it would let them choose what they are going to do. 

Overall I’m going to use these photography with a good use of mise en scene with a good use of natural daylight in order to encourage the use of pastel colour in in magazine photography because it would bring out the colours of summer and also be in line with the other magazines such as Grazia which would usally have a summer feeling to them and also tend to be on top of the latest fashion lines in order to use them when they are being used for them. This means that the magazine will appeal to a younger audience because people generally enjoy the warmer weather more and want to use it in order to allow them to become better for them. This means that when i'm taking the photos I will need to use them in order to have a pastle feeling to them in order to allow them to be used quite easily for them. This means that the magazine that i will create will have a wide use of different shots especially with the clothes i will place specifically into the magazine.


Feedback To Website Plan

Website Draft (IN PROGRESS)

This is the website where i will create the draft of my website, i have used a weebly template but found i was unable to change any of the background images that are used in the template. I will also try to make a draft website on wix to see if i would be able to change the background images.

Monday 4 June 2018



The schedule that im creating for my magazine is that i will have comprise of everthing that will need to be compleated in order to make a finished magazine.The schedule that i'm creating will have the different tasks that i will need to complete in order to allow me to create a magazine that would meet the brief that has been set by OCR.


On Monday i will need to get the photographs taken of the models that i'm going to use in my magazine. This means that i will need to organise with the people that im taking a photo of to make sure that i will have enough photographs to use when i'mm creating my magazine in photoshop otherwise i will have difficulty in trying to meet the brief that has been set by OCR. On monday i will also need to take the location recce shots in order to show the examiner where i'm taking the photographs and i will need to also take the photographs that i'm going to use on the website that i also need to create for the magazine in order to start creating the website. I will also need to make the audio visual content that will be a main part of the website such as the videos, catwalk videos and the interview with the editor of the magazine.


On Tuesday I will need to start picking out the best photographs I have taken of the models I have agreed of to take their photos of. This means I will also need to start editing the magazine together in order to start the process of creating the first draft on the website. I will also start to edit the video together because it would be a vital part of the website. The editors video on the website will talk about why he started the magazine because it has allowed them to make the video because it wants them to find out what could be used in the magazine because it shows the reader that the magazine because we need to find out what the magazine because it would allow them because it can show us that they are needed for them and what could be used inside of the magazine for them.l

The Wednesday tasks that i will need to complete when creating my website and magazine would be to get all of the text that i will have needed to put on the website in order to allow them to make sure that they are working importantly for them because it can show us as the reader that the magazine. That the text that is going on the front of the magazine is important because it is one of the first things that the reader would see when they are purchasing the magagzine and would see it in the storefront. The text of the contents page would also needed to be completed in order to start the creation of the page that would needed to created. I would also then start using fonts that would be used on my magazine in order to attract the readers attention.


On Thurday I will start to be editing my text and trying to piece my creation together using the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of products which i would use to create professional looking products such as my magazine. The magazine that i'm creating would have have a intresting look for them which will follow the usual coneventions of a magazine because it would marked against a mark scheme which i will need to adhere to the brief in order to try to achive the best grade against a ocr set criteria for them. The magazine pages that i'm creating will all be single page only but i will use a varity of different meanings to them through the different use of representations with media language for them. I will make sure that the photographs that i'm using will be interpreated by the reader.


These are the main tasks that i will need to complete on completeing my magazine. This is the main overview of the tasks that i will need to complete when i'm making my magazine. This is because i would need to hacve a plan of when i need to do to make the magazine that i need to create. This is because so i would know what i would need to do towards my magazine in order to progress through the developement of the magazine and the features that are present through the magazine. This means that I will need to start early in order to meet the deadlines that i have been set throughout the assignment . I will also need to refer to two different social groups throughout the task to make sure that i have refer to the different types of english that are used and it brings them to use it because it would allow them because of the different uses of them and it would allow them to be impro

Props List

Props List
 The props that I will use in my magazine is a variety of modern clothes that are to be used in order to interest the reader. The main pros that I will use in my magazine is a variety of different branded items in the photographs in order to give the impression that the magazine is of a high class feel and makes the reader feel like they are reading a premium magazine.

I will mainly use the scenery around the area as the background because it would allow them to use it because it would I will try to give quite a modern and upbeat feel to them. This would help me to create a better mise on scene in order to create a better experience for the people that are going to read my magazine. This use of scenery will have a pastel colour effect to them in order to try to interest the reader because the use of the pastel colours indicate to the reader that they are currently focusing on the summer fashion trends in the magazine because it would allow them to use it. The use of scenery would allow them to use it because of the

I will use a watch in my magazine in order to give the magazine a premium feel to it and also give the magazine more of a personal feel to it and allow the magazine to tell the reader that it is a fashion icon inside of the magazine for them. The watch will give a more handsome look to the model and it would also make sure that the magazine meets the class AB demographic that has been set by OCR. This is in keeping with the use of premium feel of the magazine and it would also give the magazine more of a masculine look when it appeals to the intended gender and it would also help to boost the sales of the magazine and also help to have a consistent theme throughout the magazine and make the magazine feel like a established brand that has a long history of fashion and it would allow them to use this because it would allow them to use this to give the impression that it would show them that it is important when it is being used

I will also use on my magazine would allow them to use it because it would make sure that it is not an important use of the clothes that I select in my magazine in order for them to use it because it

I will also have an image of the model on a phone in order to give the high class fashion look to the person that is reading the magazine and it would also give the impression that the magazine appeals to people that have expensive fashion tastes to them and it would also allow them to look what they can be able to use. This would help the magazine appeal to the AB audience because this is the high class demographic of the audience. It would also appeal to the 16-25 audience which is quite a younger audience