Thursday 3 May 2018

Front Cover Research

Image result for grazia magazine

From this image we see the costume that she has used is that it is trying to be quite a high fashion magazine because it looks like it has been designed by only the finest designers. The body language that she is using shows that she is like a celebrity and looks her is in a rush. This make up that we see the model wearing gives her quite a distinctive look and makes her see quite beautiful to the person that is reading the magazine. We see that her hair in the magazine is tied back in order to give her quite a professional look. The fonts that we see in this front cover are quite sans fonts because they have with the thin styling. This is usually in a large type on the front cover in order to try to give attention to the reader. We also see the use of sans serif fonts showing the other pages of the magazine, this text is usually in a large type. The text "Hot HIGH STREET EDIT!" tries to shout at us the audience that we are missing something from our own wardrobe and it makes us want to see what it is. We also see the text in bold "TREND CURL IT, TWIST IT, QUIFF IT!" This gives us the impression that we want to see the new trends in hairstyling in order to show us what they are able to do.

Image result for look magazine

From this magazine we are firstly greeted we a photo of a smiling lady with a grin to show us that she means business and it could show that she is hiding something. We see from the photo that she is wearing quite an upscale dress and shows something quite beautiful. The layout of the magazine is a close up of this lady which is trying to show us that she is trying to mean something and she doesn’t mess around, we also see a large use of text which is in a serif style font which has the classic style lettering. We see this is trying to show us what they are able to show from the magazine. The use of large lettering allows them to show that fashion is the main part of the magazine. The main text on the fashion magazine "Huge Fashion" shows that the magazine has quite a lot of the content about fashion and the latest trends that are coming up. This could give us the impression that the magazine tries to give the impression to the reader that they want to see the fashion picks that are in the magazine,

Image result for gq

On this magazine firstly we are greeted with a photo of David Beckham whose body language to the audience is giving quite a classy look to the readers of the magazine. He is also wearing a leather jacket which could show to us that he means something quite serious. We also see from his facial expressions that he is giving quite a shuttle smile gesture. This could show to us that he is trying to encourage his audience to join in almost giving the impression of a club that they are able to join. We also see on the magazine sans fonts chooses which could class the magazine as quite cool and modern. The way that he is showing his watch to the audience suggests that it is one of his more important fashion items. We also see the most of the text used is in quite a bold typeface which could indicate to us that the magazine is trying to mean something to us. The text used on the magazine "GET RELIGION! OUR 5TH ANNUAL STYLE BIBLE" This could say to the readers of the magazine that the magazine has something that they cannot miss and that they need to purchase the magazine in order to try to become more beneficial to them. We also see the use of smaller text as highlights on the top of the magazine in order to give quite a good look to the magazine.

Image result for elle

On this magazine we see a photo of a model woman which their body language shows us that they are posing towards the camera and it also shows to us that she has this beautiful look to her and it is also trying to show to us that she is someone that is heavily focused on glamour and beauty. We also see from the clothes that she is warming is that it is quite high class and she is of a quite beautiful nature. This could suggest that the magazine mainly focuses on only top quality fashion items. From the lady facial expressions we see her giving quite a neutral look towards the camera which gives us the impression of that she is someone that is quite important and quite high class. We also see on the front cover of the magazine the use of sans fonts which could suggest to us as the readers of the magazine that is quite a modern and stylish magazine which tends to focus on the more upmarket consumers. The text that is used on the front cover of the magazine "BRAVE BOLD BEAUTIFUL" shows that the magazine is trying to shout out at people. The author of the magazine has used alliteration to try to make it stand out to the reader.

Image result for vogue magazine 

This is the front cover of the July Vogue magazine, First we see a picture of a female model who body language is trying to show that she is posing and it could try to imply to beauty will be forever lasting. We also see from her facial expressions which is a small smile almost a smirk could show us that she knows the secret to forever lasting beauty and how to make herself look young again. We also see from the clothes that she is wearing which would be of a low cut dress could imply she is following the stereotype of most girls that we see with the idea that they are beautiful and stylish. We also see on the front cover of mixture of fonts with serif, sans and sans-serif fonts. This could show to us that the magazine could also have some classic elements to it as well as modern ones. The use of the words "Fashion for everyone" and "Ageless Style" in a serif style font could imply to us as the reader that anyone is able to become beautiful and that it is able to apply to anyone if they try. The rest of the text is in a sans-serif style font such as "Your Wardrobe Rethink" "How to Activate Your Youth Gene" this text is in this style font because it has a more serious feel to them and that its trying to shout at the audience that it can make you feel younger.

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